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When and How to Harvest Sweet Potatoes for Best Results

When to harvest sweet potatoes,how to harvest sweet potatoes,when do you harvest sweet potatoes,harvesting sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a nutritious vegetable. You can grow them in your garden. However, the most important thing for gardeners is to know the right time to harvest their crops. Yes, timing is very important. Harvesting too early can result in small and immature tubers. On the other hand, waiting too long can cause quality problems such as rotting or overgrowth. In this article, I will share when to harvest sweet potatoes perfectly. If you follow the instructions in this article completely, you will be able to harvest sweet potatoes successfully. So, let's know when to harvest sweet potatoes.

Best Time to Harvest Sweet Potatoes

When to Harvest Sweet Potatoes

To harvest sweet potatoes, you have to have good knowledge and experience in crop harvesting. Now let's know the best time to harvest sweet potatoes.

Understanding the Sweet Potato Growth Cycle

Growing Timeline

Usually, sweet potatoes take 90 to 120 days from planting to harvest. Mainly, it depends on the variety and conditions. This timeline begins the day you plant the slips (young sweet potato plants) in the ground. So, write down the planting date to know when your crop will be ready to harvest.

Role of Climate 

Sweet potatoes grow well in warm and cold-free conditions at temperatures between 70°F and 85°F. Cold temperatures can delay maturity and damage the tubers.

Soil Condition and Growth

Roots increase well in healthy, loose and well-drained soil. So, always monitor the soil so that there is no waterlogging.  

Signs that Sweet Potatoes Are Ready to Harvest

There are some signs of preparation for harvesting sweet potatoes. Now know the signs:

Yellowing and Wilting of Leaves

As the sweet potato matures, the leaves and vines will turn yellow and die. This natural process indicates that the tubers have matured and are ready to harvest.

Soil Cracking

Take a close look at the soil around the base of your plants. As the tubers grow, they push the soil up and create small cracks. This is a visual signal that your sweet potatoes are probably ready to harvest.

Maturity Date Test

Read the seed packet's instructions for maturity time. If you are within that time, check your plants regularly.

Sample Tuber

If you are not sure about all of these signs, test the tuber by gently digging up a tuber or two.  If they reach the desired size, it is high time to harvest the rest.

How to Harvest Sweet Potatoes

Preparing for Harvest

  • Check the Weather: Wet soil sticks to tubers. So, wait for dry days to harvest sweet potatoes.
  • Avoid Cold: Harvest sweet potatoes before cold because cold temperatures can damage the tubers.

The Tools You Will Need

  • Garden fork or spade
  • Gardening gloves
  • A bucket, basket or tarp for collecting tubers

Harvesting Stage

  • Loosen the soil: Use a garden fork to loosen the soil gently around the plant. Dig about 12-18 inches away from the vine to avoid damaging the tubers.
  • Carefully Lift the Tubers: Carefully lift the sweet potatoes from the soil. Don't poke or hit them. Handle them carefully because they are quite fragile at this stage.
  • Remove excess dirt: Gently brush loose soil with your hands. Don’t wash the tubers because it can make them prone to rotting.

Read more:

Post-Harvest Care for Sweet Potatoes

The Importance of Curing

Curing is an important task. It increases the sweetness and longevity of sweet potatoes.

  • Processing: Place the tubers in a warm (80-85°F) and humid (85-90%) condition for 7-10 days.  It will cure any minor wounds and help convert starch to sugar and enhance flavor.
  • Setup: Choose a basement, heated garage or other warm place to cure.

Long-term Storage

  • After curing, store sweet potatoes in a cool (55-60°F), dark and well-ventilated area.
  • Do not refrigerate them because it can affect their taste and texture.
  • Properly stored sweet potatoes can last 6 months or more.


1. Can I harvest sweet potatoes before mature?

Yes, but the tubers will be smaller and less flavorful. If necessary, you can still use them in cooking but they may not be as sweet as mature tubers.

2. How do I protect sweet potatoes from cold?

Collect sweets before the cold. Then they will be protected from cold. 

3. Do sweet potatoes need to be cured before eating?

Although sweet potatoes are edible immediately after harvest, curing increases their sweetness and texture.  It also makes them tastier.

4. Can I reuse the vines for the next season?

Yes, you can propagate new sweet potato plants by cutting and transplanting vines.  But they must be healthy and pest-free.

5. What happens if I wait too long to harvest?

If you wait too long, the tubers are likely to become woody, excessively fibrous or rotten.

In conclusion, how to harvest sweet potatoes is a matter of great experience. And, this experience you have gained well from this article. Now grow sweet potatoes, harvest them according to the instructions in this article and enjoy fresh, tasty and nutritious sweet potatoes for a long period.

Do you have anything else to know about harvesting sweet potatoes? If so, share it in the comments.

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